Welcome Back Everyone!
I hope you all had a peaceful and restful winter break. We are in full swing at Earl Boyles, as January is a busy month. Everyone is excited to begin cursive, explore fractions, and to learn about the history of Portland. As always, please call or email if you have any questions or concerns. You can reach me at 503-256-6500 x 8145 or linda_long@ddouglas.k12.or.us
I hope you all had a peaceful and restful winter break. We are in full swing at Earl Boyles, as January is a busy month. Everyone is excited to begin cursive, explore fractions, and to learn about the history of Portland. As always, please call or email if you have any questions or concerns. You can reach me at 503-256-6500 x 8145 or linda_long@ddouglas.k12.or.us
Important Things to Remember:
1. Send back Wednesday Folders.
2. Homework is sent home on Wednesdays and is due the
following Wednesday.
Please send a note if you have special
3. Reading Logs are due at the end of each month.
4. For those who have Internet access, please aim for 15 minutes of daily practice on IXL or another math website listed on my blog.
4. For those who have Internet access, please aim for 15 minutes of daily practice on IXL or another math website listed on my blog.
Here are a few things you can do at home with your child to
help build his
or her reading skills:
*Point out the relationships between print and
meaning when your child looks at labels, boxes, newspapers, magazines, and
*Continue to listen to your child read words and
books from home.
*Have your child reread familiar books.
reading accuracy by asking your child to fix a sentence if s/he missed a word.
reading comprehension by talking with your child about what s/he is reading. Ask about new words to build vocabulary
*The Multnomah County Library has books on tape
for everyone to check out. Some are bilingual!
*Choose a book that is above your child’s reading
level to read to your child. This will
challenge their comprehension and excite them to grow as a reader without
frustrating them with decoding that is too hard for them.
This year elementary students will receive two report cards. The first report card will be sent home by mail in February.
Important Upcoming Dates at
Earl Boyles:
Spirit Assembly:
Monday, January 26th at 2:15
Hat Day!
Spirit Assembly:
Monday, January 26th at 2:15
Hat Day!
No School:
Thursday, January 29th
Professional Development
No School:
January 30st
End of 1st semester grading period. Teacher work day.