Room 21, Calendar

Monday, October 13, 2014

Learning Targets

Here's what we're learning this week:

Writing: Students are taking a district writing assessment. They are practicing skills such as note taking, summarizing, and citing their sources while examining informational articles. 

Reading: We are reading informational text about forces and motion. Students are learning how to locate information using text features such as: captions, labels, sidebars, bolded print and titles. They are also locating details and using them to identify the main idea of the article.

Math: We are learning about how to find the area of a figure using different units (inches and centimeters).

Social Studies: Students are being introduced to maps skills and are learning to use a map key, compass rose, and scale to find cities in the US.

Character Trait for October: Responsibility- You are responsible when you make appropriate choices in everyday actions. How does your child show responsibility at school and at home?

Spelling: New spelling lists are in your student's backpack today! Spelling tests are given each Friday.

Thank you to Adrian and Aliyah's families for providing snacks this week!

Great News! EB recently received a technology grant and Chrome books have arrived for students to use! Students are learning how to log on and off, to properly care and handle the computers, and are practicing math skills they've learned in class.


  1. Can I take cupcakes in tomorrow for Ezekiel to share with his class for his Birthday? How many students?

    1. Yes, thank you! There are 32 students in our class. They may eat them at 11:55 in the cafeteria, after their lunch. You're welcome to bring them in at that time or leave them in the office and I'll distribute them. Thank you again and Happy Birthday, Ezekiel!
